Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 13

Hello!  Thank you for visiting our classroom blog. 

Please join our class on Monday, November 18th at 10:45.  Our science lab will be open to parents to celebrate American Education Week.  Be ready to experiment and learn about electricity!

The Scholastic Book store is open at Eagle during this week.  Please see the hand out sent home with your child.  I see some terrific titles for sale this year.

Also, next week, the students will participate in the Eagle Turkey Trot. On Friday, November 22, we will walk over to the high school and have some fun running on their track! (Please see the flyer in your child's binder). Parents are welcome.  Come join us and cheer on the kiddos!

Our first narrative writing piece is published!  Thank you for your help with this huge task.  The students are so proud of their work.

Please visit TTL4.  I will try to attach the letter sent home at Open House.  It includes the code needed for the initial log in.

Thank you for all you do to support your child. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Week of November 5

Week of November 5

November is a busy and exciting time for our 3rd graders.  On the 4th our grade presented a slide show at the Respect and Responsibility Assembly.  Ms. Suhrhoff, our wonderful guidance counselor, asked us if we could show the school how we behave responsibly now that we are mature 3rd graders.  They did an excellent job and received many compliments.

In November, the children start gathering and discussing current event articles from the newspaper and internet.  We will begin this activity in class, and then the students will be responsible for bringing in one article a month to share with the class.  I will give each child an assigned date and a letter with further directions.

Also in November:
Þ   Nov. 5, Eagle’s Silent Auction
Þ   Nov. 18-22,  American Education Week and Scholastic Book Fair
Þ   Nov. 27-29,  Thanksgiving Break

Parents are invited to our “Science Lab” on Monday, November 18 at 10:45 for American Education Week.  We will work together to conduct experiments with electricity.  Come join the fun!

Thank you for reading and signing your child’s reading log.  I appreciate your support with this important work.

Enjoy your week!